(洋書・英文) Galileo
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宗教学的回心研究 新島襄・清沢満之・内村鑑三・高山樗牛
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(洋書・英文) Michael Faraday and the Electrical Century
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エイズを弄ぶ人々 疑似科学と陰謀説が招いた人類の悲劇
1,150円 続きを読む -
(洋書・英文) Moving Heaven and Earth Copernicus and the Solar System
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(洋書・英文) Watt’s Perfect Engine Steam & the Age of Invention
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(洋書・英文) Global Power Knowledge Science and Technology in International Affairs (OSIRIS 21)
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(洋書・英文) Music, Sound, and the Laboratory from 1750-1980 (OSIRIS 28)
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ATOM 原子の正体に迫った伝説の科学者たち
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科学をいまどう語るか 啓蒙から批評へ (岩波現代全書 019)
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〈科学ブーム〉の構造 科学技術が神話を生みだすとき
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